Sources & Suggested Reading
Advanced Karate-Do, by Elmat T. Schmeisser, Ph.D.
Best Karate (Series 1-11), by Masatoshi Nakayama
Comprehensive Asian Fighting Techniques, by Donn F. Draeger & Robert W. Smith
Dynamic Karate, by Masatoshi Nakayama
Hagakure - The Book of the Samurai, by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Karate - The Art of "Empty Hand" Fighting, by Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard C. Brown
Karate-Do Kata Volumes I & II, by Japan Karate Association
Karate-Do Kyohan, by Gichin Funakoshi
Karate-Do - My Way of Life, by Gichin Funakoshi
Karate-Do Nyumon, by Gichin Funakoshi
Moving Zen, by C.W. Nicol
Samurai Journey, Randall G. Hassell & Osamu Ozawa
Shotokan Karate - A Precise History, by Harry Cook
Shotokan's Secret, by Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
The Book of Five Rings, by Miyamoto Musashi